The entire gameplay basically boils down to - "find Bible verse - match correct verse to the correct "Cyber Lie" - defeat Cyber - find Bible verse again. However the biggest con is how mind-numbingly repetitive it is. The game has good graphics and artwork for a DOS game, and can a little enjoyable for the first hour or so. In retrospect it's actually one of the better of the few Christian video games that I played, though that's not really saying a whole lot. I have (semi) fond memories of playing this as a kid, thinking it was pretty cool at age 7-8 or so.

I wouldn't recommend this for anyone over the age of 8 or 9, but it was a nice trip down memory lane for me. Overall, the experience leaves you feeling.well, unfulfilled would be a good word. Then you save the citizens of the city one by one and defeat the evil nauseated Eye of Sauron, er, I mean, the Tower of the Deception, by using Robby the Robot's steroid-enhanced, fist-laser blasting cousin. Occasionally this is switched up, and there are stronger versions of some monsters, or you run through super-fast "Jump Tunnels" and have to dodge your way through charging Cybers (who for some reason make oinking noises when they pass you.not sure what's up with that.). Combat involves hiding behind your shield until the Cyber's painfully obvious weak spot opens up and then finishing them in one or two hits. The formula is basically 1) Find Bible verse, 2) find lie that Bible verse talks about to defeat Cyber, 3) Repeat ad nauseum. Captain Bible also suffers from extremely repetitive gameplay. I've noticed that in both games and movies, religious themes tend to suffer the same problem as ones with environmentalist themes: the message is too heavy handed, even bordering on blunt force trauma. Granted, there's not too much in the way of competition. To give Captain Bible credit, it IS one of the better religious-themed games I've played. Playing this game again, I can only come to one conclusion: Young me was either easily amused or had a temporary stroke of idiocy. As a kid, I had a lot of fun battling through the Cybers and saving the people trapped in darkness. I do remember this game from my childhood.